prenatal yoga

individual prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga can aid in stress relief, water retention, stiffness and physical discomfort, emotional strain, preparation for labor and delivery, and better sleep. As a certified Prenatal Yoga Instructor, I focus on relaxation, mind-body connection, strengthening, and preparing the student for the challenges of labor and delivery. The sooner in pregnancy you start prenatal yoga, the stronger, more relaxed, more connected, and better prepared you will be. And, recovery is better too. It is never too late in the pregnancy to start, however, and even just a few sessions can make a big difference.

Private Prenatal Yoga Individual Sessions
60 Minutes Single Session: $85
60 Minutes - package of 5: $400
Bring another mom-to-friend to your individual session: +$35/session)

Prenatal Workshops: none scheduled

partners prenatal yoga

Partners really want to help, but often do not know what to do. These tools will help, and you will both feel much more prepared.

My prenatal partners private sessions and workshops teach partners how to best support mom-to-be, and provide a fun opportunity to connect and learn.

Private Partners Prenatal Yoga
60 Minutes Single Session: $85
60 Minutes - package of 5: $400

Prenatal Partners Workshops: none scheduled