
beach yoga is one of my specialties. nothing like fresh salt air!

(zihuatanejo, mexico)

welcome to b.free yoga and wellness!

"b.free” to become the best you!

I started this company in order to help people who know they could, and should, be feeling better - because that was me, for a long time. Did you know that the ancient history and fundamentals of yoga even insist that we work hard to take excellent care of ourselves?! Using a combination of yoga, mindfulness, nutrition, and fitness, together we can work to win back the excellent quality of life we all deserve.

I am a registered and certified yoga teacher, and currently serve as the Executive Director of the yoga teacher training school through which I trained, the Pranakriya School of Yoga Healing Arts. As a yoga practitioner, I do not stand on my head or do any of those fancy poses - I am not even that flexible! For me, it’s all about giving myself and my students tools we need to take a break from stress. In fact everything I do is aimed at reducing the negative effects of stress on our health in both the short-term and long-term.

At 46 years old, I have a 2 year old and a 6 year old (I think you just found out where my interest in reversing my own bio age comes from!), and a 10-year old pug who can often be found on my paddleboard. A constant work-in-progress when it comes to managing my chronic illness, I am a health coach and advocate. I enjoy organic gardening and teaching the younger generation about the benefits of slow food and healthy living.

I hope you will join me for beach yoga, take a mindful and playful paddle with me, and/or dive into my wellness club where you can get the maximum whole-person boost through a combination of yoga, mindfulness, fitness, nutrition, natural anti-aging solutions, and personal development.

Why “b.free”?

My logo is a quetzal bird. It is the national bird of Guatemala, where I have spent a lot of time, and my son’s middle name. These now-endangered, and revered birds cannot live in captivity. If they cannot fly free in the wild, they cannot survive. “b” is for my name, Betsy, and it’s all lower case because I am continuously working to be OK expressing myself outside of conventional norms. Based on my own experience, I truly believe that we must be able to explore, find, and openly express our individual essence in order to feel free.

Progress, not Perfection

Perfection is an illusion and striving for it becomes a chronic source of stress. We do better meeting ourselves where we are, becoming more self-aware by developing a strong mind-body connection, and making sure we are moving forward at a sustainable pace with solutions that form a new lifestyle.