kids yoga: mindfulness through play

Fun, fun, fun! That’s what my kids yoga classes look like, and are! As a certified kids yoga teacher, I facilitate classes, parties, and private or small group sessions that sneak tools for stress relief, mindfulness, breath work, movement, relaxation, and focus into PLAY experience! We use lots of fun props, like bean bag animals, pom poms, scarves, cards, and fidget spinners throughout our classes.

resources: yoga and mindfulness for kids

“Children of all ages can benefit from mindfulness, the simple practice of bringing a gentle, accepting attitude to the present moment. It can help parents and caregivers, too, by promoting happiness and relieving stress.” – David Gelles, The New York Times

Good Morning and Good Night Yoga: This story begins with a stretch and greeting to the morning sun, then offers breath, movement and awareness to support daily routines and rhythms. Told through fanciful illustrations and rhyming verse, its lessons are accessible to readers and pre-readers alike. This book empowers children of all ages to become their own teachers and take in charge of their own wellness.
Breath Breaks with Missy: This engaging, simple, joy filled book offers 46 breath breaks and is filled with the how and why of mastering our breath.
Affirm Your Awesomeness Cards
Playful Pose Cards

Other Books and Materials I Love
Goodnight Yoga: a pose-by-pose bedtime story, by Mariam Gates
Yoga Bug: Simple Poses for Little Ones, by Sarah Jane Hinder
Mindful Kids: 50 Mindfulness Activities for Kindness, Focus, and Calm, by Whitney Stewart and Mina Braun

Recent Articles
Mindfulness for Children (The New York Times)
School-based yoga can help children better manage stress and anxiety (Science Daily, 2018)
More than just a game: Yoga for school-age children (Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, 2016)
Science Shows Meditation Benefits Childrens’ Brains and Behavior (Alice G. Walton, Forbes, 2016)
Mindfulness Goes to School: Things Learned (So Far) from Research and Real-World Experiences (US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, 2016)